What is GoSayHELLO?

GoSayHELLO is a networking app to connect people with common interests in any event, place, or gathering. The sole purpose of this app is to strengthen the community by increasing engagement between people, businesses, and nearby events.

How can I make my account?

To make an account 1) Install the app and open it on your device (iOS/Android). 2) Tap on sign up. 3) It will ask you to fill in your details with a valid email address and US phone number. 4) After filling in your details, you can hit the sign up button. 5) Select at least 3 preferences when prompted. 6) After this, your account will be live and ready to use.

Do I need to turn on geolocation to use this app?

Yes, a geolocation enabled device is required to use this app as we use your location to connect you with nearby users.

How much does it cost to use GoSayHELLO?

Free, with limited usage of some features. However, to access our unlimited premium features, you will need to pay monthly ($1.58) or yearly subscription ($18.99). Premium features include: unlimited HELLO waves and unlimited event creation every month.

What is $HELLO?

$HELLO is a crypto asset, more specifically called an Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) on the Algorand blockchain. $HELLO is created to incentivize users based on their engagement on our platform. With different engagement levels on GoSayHELLO, users can earn this crypto asset at higher rates and use it later to redeem awards.

How can I earn $HELLO?

There are different ways to earn $HELLO for free on the platform. One of the simplest ways is to join by creating your profile, making connections, and referring friends.

How can I find events that match my interest?

Our recommended practice to find an event is to 1) Turn on your geolocation and let the app use your location. 2) Build your profile completely so we can understand your background and interests to show you the most relevant events nearby. 3) Set your preferences within the app and search for an event based on event type.

How can I post-event details?

To post an event 1) Open the app and tap on the plus button from the bottom of the screen. 2) A new screen will pop up where it says, “add event.” 3) From there, you can add event details (pictures, name, & venue location). 4) Later you can send invites to your connections period.

Can I reset my preferences?

To reset your preferences 1) Open the app. 2) Tap on your profile picture from the bottom. 3) Now, tap on the setting icon. 4) Now, tap on preferences where you can edit them based on your interests.

How can relevant people find me more?

To build more existence and increase your engagements on our app, you can do regular posts when you are at your favorite places and events to show up on the nearby feed, carefully select your preferences, and connect with other users with similar interests.

To whom do I contact if I have a query?

If you have any queries, you can contact us at info@gosayhelloapp.com, and a dedicated team member will get in touch with you shortly.